I would like to explain where I am right now..........I am at my Momma's college. Because, my Mamaw got sugery. My Daddy took her husband (my poppy) to the VA (a hospital for veterans) and that is about 2 hours away from where we live. Well Mamaw is still in the hospital and Daddy is not back yet so I had to come to class with Momma! :) I brought my laptop so I could do a little bit of blogging. Who knows, I may get bored and make a stopmotion!!! (I have pictures took for 5 stopmotions by the way!! lol!!)
Ok now, I will explain my pictures I put in my post!!! One is of me and my Mamaw (the one who had sugery) another is of the bunk beds I bought (they are from 1995 and were retired in 2000) and the last is an AWESOME picture of Sonali!!!! I was playing with my camera and some-how I got this prettyful (me and my bff's made up word) pi
The last picture is of the sleeping bags that came with my bunk beds!!