I would like to explain where I am right now..........I am at my Momma's college. Because, my Mamaw got sugery. My Daddy took her husband (my poppy) to the VA (a hospital for veterans) and that is about 2 hours away from where we live. Well Mamaw is still in the hospital and Daddy is not back yet so I had to come to class with Momma! :) I brought my laptop so I could do a little bit of blogging. Who knows, I may get bored and make a stopmotion!!! (I have pictures took for 5 stopmotions by the way!! lol!!)
Ok now, I will explain my pictures I put in my post!!! One is of me and my Mamaw (the one who had sugery) another is of the bunk beds I bought (they are from 1995 and were retired in 2000) and the last is an AWESOME picture of Sonali!!!! I was playing with my camera and some-how I got this prettyful (me and my bff's made up word) pi
The last picture is of the sleeping bags that came with my bunk beds!!

take lots of pics!!
It sounds like you are feeling better at least .. YEAH for that. Hope you have a good day and get somethings done while you are being bored.
Ta Ta,
Tell Lanie Hello for me ..
Kelsyee, it is Julie!!!!! I told Lanie you said hi!!! Hey, does your person have the yellow bunk beds??? Just wondering!!! I hope that me and Lindsey get them!!! Malari said it might be me and her!! All of us AG dolls at my house have a bed!!! hehe!!! That is alot of beds!!!
No we do not have the yellow bunk beds .. that would be kewl if you guys get them. Mama's worse favorite color is yellow so she would have to paint them if she got them .. LOL!!
Ta Ta,
Hello Lanie!!
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