Saturday, February 13, 2010


Hi, it is Malari!!!! I just thought I should tell you that I am going to my best friend's b-day sleepover at my old gymnastics gym . . . we are going to have lots of fun . . . I gave her her very first AG Dolls last year for her 10th birthday and I gave her a Kailey doll. (all the other girls are comming for just the party not the sleepover so it will just be us!!!!) I will take LOTS of pictures for you all! I think Ashton gets to go . . . I hope Ashton's 25 other sisters don't get mad. The only reason she gets to go is because she is my newest doll, everyone else has been to a sleepover. So don't get mad on how I choose because there is no way on this earth I could take all 26 of my dolls.

Oh!!! Also my new retired Kit outfit, my retired purple and green snow suit, and retired cabana all came in the mail!!!!!! Here are a coulple of pictures, when I get back I will make a slide show of all the pictures!!!! I will put it on youtube for you all!

1 comment:

Malari said...

Also in the pictures that is Yasmen as most of you know!