Sunday, February 21, 2010


I used to keep SOME of my AG Dolls clothes in this little tiny box . . . but today I am putting ALL of my AG Doll's clothes in these big pull out drowses!!! I am SOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!! (soon my closet in the AG Dolls room will be for JUST AG Doll stuff!! But that will be for spring break!) I am going to go to work!!!!!
Also my contest ends the 28Th so if you haven't entered email me pictures or right a note on what you dolls do on a snow day (I have had people ask, yes if you don't get snow where you live you can do what they do inside on a snow day)

1 comment:

Allison's AG World said...

I tried to get organzied a couple months ago too.. I put all the outfits in the bags too and put them in a drawer in my AG room and also I have that AG organzier for the back of my door .. it helps some.. It is so much fun playing with our dolls!